I was on the course staff of CS182, Deep Learning, for two semesters with Prof. Anant Sahai, where I participated in the design of the initial curriculum and led the compilation of discussion section worksheets for a course with ~250 students.
I served as an Industrial Relations Officer of HKN Mu Chapter (National EECS Honor Society, Top 25% GPA of the graduation class) for two semesters.
Coursework that I have taken includes CS285 (Deep Reinforcement Learning), CS182 (Deep Learning), CS189 (Intro to Machine Learning), EECS127 (Convex Optimization), CS162 (Operating Systems), CS184 (Computer Graphics), CS188 (Intro to Artificial Intelligence), CS170 (Algorithms and Intractable Problems), CS61C (Computer Architecture), CS61B (Data Structures), CS61A (Structure and Intepretation of Programs), CS70 (Discrete Math and Probabilities), EECS16A / 16B (Designing Information Devices and Systems), MATH53 (Multivariable Calculus), DESINV 21 (Visual Communication).
During my visiting student term at NTU, I've taken Machine Learning Technique and Deep Learning on Computer Vision in National Taiwan University. I was fortunate enough then to have done research on Domain Generalization at V&L Lab, supervised by Prof. Frank Wang, from January to September 2022.